Revision as of 12:24, 11 January 2024 by Anders(talk | contribs)(Created page with "'''Piteå''' - Norrbotten - 2017 <gallery> File:0 100 This is how 0A1a+ 2020.png|F 100mm 2020 File:0 100 This is how 0A1b.png|B File:0 100 This is how 0A2a+ 2020.png|F 100mm 2020 File:0 100 This is how 0A2b.png|B File:0 100 This is how 0A3a+ 2020.png|F 100mm 2020 File:0 100 This is how 0A3b.png|B File:0 100 This is how 0A4a+ 2020.png|F 100mm 2020 File:0 100 This is how 0A4b.png|B File:This is how 0TT1a 100+ 2023.png|F 100mm 2023 File:This is how 0TT1b.png|B </gallery> [...")