
Revision as of 07:59, 18 November 2024 by Anders (talk | contribs)

Naming the coasters

Every coaster are going to get a unik number/name. We will work with naming the coasters during 2024/2025.

ARB = three letters wich will be short for the brewery.

ARB8 = the following number will describe the shape of the coaster. 0=round / 0v=Oval / 3=Triangel / 4=

Nr Meaning
0 Round
0v Oval
3 Triangel
4 Square
4r Rectangel
5 Pentagon
6 Hexagon
7 Heptagon
8 Oktagon
9 Irrigular

ARB81 = Next number is the ID-number. It can vary from 1 number to 3 numbers depending of the brewery.

ARB81-FO = The rest will explain if the coaster is onesided or twosided

Nr Meaning
FO Onesided, blank backside
F Front (Twosided)
B Back
FB Front and back is the same

ARB81-FO 68mm = The size of the coaster

ARB81-FO 68mm 1965 = If we know the estimated year of the coaster it will be shown.


Every brewery has some categories. First Bryggeri wich is Brewery in swedish. Secondy two geography categories, Landskap and Kommun. Kommun is the city/community where the brewery is located. There are 290 kommun in Sweden. Landskap is an old geography region. Its still in use but mostly as an idintity and have no practical funktion. The Landskap is old and its boarders can be traced back more than 500 years. There are 25 Landskap in Sweden.

If you are following the link for the category you come to a list of all breweries or companies in that region.

When it comes to drink coasters the category will be Beverage and there are some categories amoung companies.